Results transfer

The transfer of the project's results is understood as the action of information  transmission from the technical sphere (research centers, management agencies...) to the non-technical one or the target audiences (regional and local authorities, managers of the territory, managers of risks, civil protection organizations, population...) when planning the effective forecasting and management of landslide risk.

The transfer action is structured around several issues, frequently identified as central to the definition, planning and management of risk and crisis:

  • Raise of awareness within the final users of the project about  the specific aspects of the hazards studied.
  • Importance recognition of the natural, social and economic context for the definition of risk levels.
  • Transfer of technical information in a format accessible to the  final user.
  • Problem detection in the information transmission chain from the technical sphere to the final users.
  • Identification of conflicts of interest and blocking points in risk reduction measures.
  • Distinction and prioritization of the actions to be carried out depending on their relevance.

The treatment of these aspects requires permanent communication between all the partners and the final users of the project. Additionally , by pooling the problems and solutions that will be provided in the different sites studied in Andorra, Spain and France, this action aims to reinforce the cross-border nature of the project 

As a final goal, this actcion will develope a report on the methodologies used to transfer the project's results to the territory. This report will include the project's results on landslide risks and synthesize the technical information of actions 4 and 5 and will be appropriated by the risk and crisis management stakeholders and the population.